Sunday, November 5, 2017

Nilsson News

I never thought I would ever say this but our house is way too quiet!  Elise has been so kind and allowed Millie and myself to hang out with them.  Garrett took all the four older children down to Provo to see his parents and brother Quinn, who was visiting from California.  I decided to stay home with Millie because we got two new donkeys and we didn't want to desert them already!  They are both brown but still look completely different from any of our others.  Inigo is our jack and is such a little guy but he definitely knows how to bray and I think it helps him feel kind of tough!  Lolli is such a cute, furry, mellow gal and has such beautiful color markings.  When I can figure it out, I will post pictures of them.  Starting in the spring, we are going to try our hand at this breeding thing and if all goes well, we will have five or six little donkey foals!  Addy is really excited because we are going to take in her doe, Nibbles to be bred the middle of this month.  Baby donkeys are pretty cute, but I will have to say that baby goats take the grand prize in the cuteness realm.  They should arrive sometime in April so you will need to plan a trip up this way around that time!
Garrett got our garden tilled and now it is just leaf raking that is left.  The kids have been enjoying that and I have enjoyed them doing it!  Now that the outside projects are ending, we are already talking about what we want to do inside during the winter months!  The kids really had a great Halloween and like always got way too many sweet treats.  Addy was Belle, Emerson was the blue ninja from Ninjago (I've never seen it so it was a challenge to make a costume of something I've never seen), Eliza was Batgirl, and Henry was the sherriff.  Millie didn't ask for a costume and I was content with letting her remain as her cute, crazy hair self.  We enjoyed the evening with the Hart's and that is always delightful!
We have been listening to Christmas music and getting into that lovely holiday spirit.  My goal is to have everyone's gifts done by December 1st so I can enjoy the month and focus on the season more fully.  I felt like last year it just disappeared without much enjoyment and really the whole key is in the eager anticipation and slowing things down.  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving with all you wonderful people!  Enjoy your Sabbath!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ruth, I know all about the house being too quiet! Enjoy your few moments because, in your case, it won't last long :)
    And don't look forward to when it's permanent because it is not fun at all!
