Tuesday, November 14, 2017

T&T Times

So things are pretty good here.  The ward is awesome!  We had dinner the other night with the Harris', a couple who reminded us a lot of Elise and Alex, so it was fun to hang out with them and their 3 little ones.  We unfortunately can't make the cub scout calling work, so we are waiting to see what the bishop wants us to do!  
I heard that there was a study done that dark haired males tend to make more money/live more successful lives, so I did something I haven't done in 17 years and dyed my hair.  Yes it's red again.  Just kidding its dark brown.  At least it was supposed to be dark brown, but since my hair was so light and I hadn't died it for so long, it went REALLY dark.  So it looks like I have black hair.  So yea, that happened......  Looks like I'm going to be REALLY successful; I better be...
Victoria is enjoying her job, she actually is up in North Dakota right now climbing and testing wind turbines to make sure they are up to safety codes.  She's getting to do lots of exciting things and learning a lot!  Its taxing work, and a lot of time spent doing paper work, but it's a good job for now.  I however am still trying to get someone to pay me money.
We decided we are going to start a lifestyle and healthy living blog called Tom & Tori, so I'll keep you posted on how that goes, and when it's going to drop!  Hopefully it takes off and we are able to make some extra money with it!  I'm also going to be starting a few websites along the same lines, so we'll see how those endeavors turn out!  
Well things are great here, I laid out by the pool today and listened to some of my favorite podcasts.  They were discussing sports science and how and why different athletes succeed while others struggle, and it was so fascinating!  They talked about how abilities and talents vary, but the mindset is and mental stability is what separates the legends from the masses.  We often underestimate the power of the mind and what it can help us accomplish.  We sometimes get caught up in comparing what we can't do which makes us feel inadequate, but what are we comparing it to?  Turns out, the reason we can't do them is because we are comparing ourselves to people who do those things really well.  Here's the bottom line of this rant folks; if you compare yourself to yourself, there is literally nothing you can't accomplish.  Things you "can't do" become things that you just haven't done YET, not things you can't do.  So, go out and do anything and everything you want, because you literally have the ability to allow your mind to train your body to do them.  
'mic drop.' 

1 comment:

  1. I object! You can't leave a post like that without any pictures! Too bad about Cub Scouts. Aside from Primary chorister it is the best calling in the church, in my humble opinion.
