Sunday, October 29, 2017

T&T Times

So Texas..... it's definitely Texas.  Haha Texas is great!  Gas is $2.00, steak is amazing, all the stores are huge, getting anywhere takes forever because this city in ENORMOUS.  Anyway, we found a gym so everything is solid.  Our apartment is an adjustment, but it's pretty good.  The weather is amazing!  Victoria is doing great at her job, she gets to travel which she loves, so that's good too!  I am currently looking for a bunch of different positions, mostly with coaching and paralegal stuff, so if that stuff pans out, I'll let y'all know.  I'm also staying open to the possibility of joining the air force in the intelligence field.  So things are kind of up in the air for me, but life is an unplanned party and we love it! 
So there's this big renaissance fair that they do here, like it's so so big.  Imagine a medieval Disneyland and you've got this fair.  They had jousting, jesters, pirates, ale, magicians, Celtic music and dancing, etc.  Hopefully the pictures will post on the blog, but we'll see!
Church is great, the ward is pretty big actually.  We got asked to work with the cub scouts, so that'll be fun!  The people are great and super friendly, and Texas pride is real! 
Well, hopefully when we're more organized, these blog postings will be more organized too!  Love you all! 


  1. I think you should grow long hair and a beard and play that big drum, T! How fun! You guys always find the best things to do. Is that a once a year fair or is it always going on?
    Can't believe you got a calling the day you went to church! They must have been praying for someone like you guys to come and work with the boys :)

  2. Hooray for your first blog post! It was a good one. The boys are jealous of the cub scouts in Texas. Ian is sure they will love you guys. Glad you're figuring things out down there! Jack is coming for some steak......
