Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

Since I have a few minutes before our YSA Stake Conference, I thought I'd sit and let Chester lick my skirt (urrrrgggghh!!) while I recount the events of our week. We worked on our house projects when we were home, which wasn't a whole lot, therefore we didn't get a whole lot done - but we are making slow progress with painting and organizing. We went to Salt Lake to talk to the folks in charge of Utah Retirement Systems to get the final scoop on what is needed to begin that process. It feels very strange...  We drove to Provo after finishing in Salt Lake, stopped for a moment at Lauren's, then Dad helped Grandpa with some bank stuff, then we finished up with a late birthday celebration for Grace. It is always a party at the Bellistons! We have a delightful time whenever we get to be with any of the grandchildren - thanks for always making us feel welcome!

Speaking of parties, we went to a Stake High Priest social in Hyde Park and Dad was able to see some people he doesn't often get to see, now that he is less active in our local ward. We had a nice dinner and the stake president gave a "State of the Stake" address: We have 92 missionaries serving from our stake, which includes 10 couples who are scattered all over the world! I think he said there are more than 60 high priests serving in wards and stakes outside of Hyde Park (Dad sank low in his chair at this announcement because he has about half of them in his stake as bishops, counselors and high councilmen!). There are well over a hundred who are serving in the temple. One statistic caught my attention - 16% of the members of the stake are actively doing family history work and submitting names to the temple, or printing names to take. The church average is 4%. So, as you can see from this information, Hyde Park is truly Zion and you should all move back here!! 😇

Yesterday I had a very humbling experience. Because of all that's been happening here - travels, projects, weather, a few sick days in bed - we haven't gotten around to doing some things. Specifically, raking our deep carpet of leaves off the grass. We were just getting ready to start on some inside projects when an army of young men and young women from our ward, and their leaders, appeared in our back yard with rakes, tarps and leaf blowers! I felt a flood of changing emotions in quick succession. At first I was completely mortified! No one had ever raked our leaves except us and our children! Sometimes friends had helped, but this was something WE did for ourselves - and we helped OTHER people rake THEIR leaves. Then the feeling lessened to just embarrassment. I wanted to find something to give them for their effort, but I truly had nothing! I hadn't been feeling well enough to bake so there were no cookies, no leftover Halloween candy, the apples were all too soft to enjoy eating - nothing to share. Then I experienced an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I was so grateful that youth would be willing to spend a few hours on a Saturday morning to provide service for their neighbors, without any expectation of payment of any kind. As soon as I got over myself and my pride, I went out and grabbed a rake and visited and laughed and had a great time enjoying my neighbors. They were here for less than 20 minutes and did what it would have taken Dad and me all day, and then some, to accomplish. Hyde Park is truly Zion and you should all move back here!! 😁

The theme for Dad's stake conference this weekend is "Becoming" and the meeting last night was amazing. You should ask him for the C. S. Lewis quote he read. I don't think anyone went away from that meeting just thinking, "That was a great meeting." I feel confident that most were inspired to do something about what they heard and felt. It really was quite powerful. I don't think I've heard Dad speak with such power for a long time. He is at their leadership meeting right now, where he will speak again. He will also speak at the general session in the Tabernacle this afternoon. There will only be 2 or 3 more stake conferences before he is released from his calling, so you'd better hurry and move back here so you can hear him speak while you can!! 😉

We are getting very excited for our Thanksgiving gathering! It will be so great! Can't wait to see you all there (we will be Face Timing with Thomas and Victoria so it will be like having them there)! Have a delightful week of anticipation!!

1 comment:

  1. Loved your not so subliminal message mom! 3 cheers for Hyde Park!
