Sunday, November 5, 2017

...And Loving It!

Hey fam.  So our big final band competition was this weekend.  SUPER FUN.  Being on staff is actually 10,000 times better than being in the band, despite my pay (which I still haven't received).  We didn't make top ten, but the staff was super grateful because that meant we could go home and it was great.  So... funny story with that.  The buses leave at 5 AM Friday morning to get to St. George in time to get ready to perform.  I got all ready and mom helped me get some groceries that I could take with me.  I took a shower, packed my bags, set two alarms, and instantly fell asleep.  Oh, did I mention I felt like I was gonna die? yeah.  I was SUPER sick.  So I got in bed around ten, and set my alarm for three and another for four.  I was set.  At promptly 6:36 AM I flew out of bed in a panic.  I hadn't even looked at my phone to see the time, but I knew it wasn't right because I felt rested and it was too light outside to be 5 AM.  I absolutely panicked and just cried for a minute.  I looked at my phone to see six missed calls, two voicemails, three snapchats, and two text messages.  Yep.  I was so angry.  Like legitimately so mad.  so I called mom and she did some quick problem solving, rushed to pick me up, and we were on the road, trying to beat the band (hehe) to Lehi where they were going to take a rest stop.  We got there fifteen minutes before they were leaving.  I felt like an absolute idiot, and Mom is the real MVP everyone.  So yeah, if you're ever in a pinch, call mom.  She got you.  Pretty much always.  That was definitely exciting.  All is well. 

Not much to say about anything else.  College is fine.  I love it a whole heck of a lot more than high school, but I actually hated high school so IDK how great that is..... Jk, it's great.

EVERYONE! I get to turn my papers in in like, two months!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY.  Ask me if I'm excited.  I am.  Wahoo!!!!!! lil sis is just growin' up so fast *wipes away tear* Yes.  I am so pumped. 

I decided I write way too much on the blog, but it's whatever.  Hey, when y'all come for Thanksgiving, we should go Ice Skating because I've learned a lot in my class at USU and it's so fun and I'll teach you all the things. 

I miss you guys.  Have a great week fam.


  1. Emma I love you! Your posts are so hilarious to read and I can hear you saying exactly what you write! Wahoo on your mission papers. I was secretly hoping that some prince charming would sweep you off your feet before then so that I wouldn't be the only "rebellious" one not to go on a mission, but I suppose I will have to stand alone. You're awesome.

  2. So, little sis, I don't mean to question your motives, but I wonder about your invitation to go ice skating. I think maybe you just want to get some entertainment value out of your siblings who haven't taken ice skating classes and would probably do a whole lot of splendid falling if we were to take to the ice! Love to hear about what's up in your life......
