Sunday, November 12, 2017

Flake Fun

12 Nov 2017 - We had a super long weekend which was really nice. Since Veteran's Day was this week, we got Friday as our holiday.  And since I don't normally work on Friday and Scott had his flex day on Friday, we got Thursday!!   The "weekend" was spent tilling the garden, helping another cousin on their new house, changing the oil and air flow hose on the car, transplanting some of our black walnut trees, playing the piano for a baptism and the other normal weekend stuff.

The weather is still really nice during the day and gets pretty cold at night.  We have a roadrunner that shows up in the yard from time to time and a squirrel that is living in our wood pile.

Scott accepted a new job which will start the week after Thanksgiving.  He will be working for the Town of Pinetop-Lakeside.  We are both pretty excited about the new opportunity. 

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and can't wait to see you all! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Scott! More details please! What will he be doing at this new job?
