Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Manning Moments

Hi Familia!
We are alive and I've been wanting to post on the blog for a long time but I was having difficulty doing it technologically. No, actually I just forgot how to do it because it's been so long and then I remembered this morning! I live in the dark ages when it comes to technology.
Lots and lots of things have happened in Utah County but to put it in a nutshell; life is good.
Wesley gets cuter every day. How, you ask? I have no idea but he does. Every time mom has seen him she can't stop laughing. He is a very funny boy. His vocabulary has exploded and he enjoys bossing the rest of us around. He tells us to put things back and when to give him a hug. His favorite words are No and Owie. Yesterday I was trying to play the piano a little and he was playing with his train. He repeatedly was saying Owie Owie Owie and so I finally looked at him and asked, "Is there an owie?" With his still distraught face he said, "No." We like to go to story time at the library and he is now very comfortable with the library and walks around like he owns the place. He has a very manly little strut. The best thing of all is that little Wesley is now sleeping like a baby! He gets 10-12 hours a night and he takes a longer nap too. It is a miracle and we are so grateful. He sleeps in the family bed and gets the most sleep out of all of us since he somehow manages to sleep amid all the antics he does during the night.
Nick is enjoying work. He laughs and laughs at his coworkers. They are all very funny people and just down to earth folks. I am so glad he gets to work with them. He is amazed sometimes at the teenage species but he is learning ways to connect and get them into the scriptures. Some of them have really tough things they're going through. A funny story though was a sophmore girl that came to his office in tears. "Brother Manning, my parents and I got in an argument this morning because I had to walk to school because my mom is having a baby and my sister is going to college and so I will be responsible for everything now..." Nick was very kind and sympathetic as she expressed all of her troubles. Then she said, "Well, I better get to class now since I'm late for it." "Ok. What class do you have?" (sniff,sniff) "Drama." Nick is pretty sure she getting an A in the class! Nick was just called to be the Sunday School president in the ward and he is enjoying that so far.
I have been enjoying the homemaking life. We got our garden hibernating for the winter. So excited to try some new things next year. We have also learned how to make some killer protein bars, bread (thanks to mom's expertise) and soap. It has been fun.
My testimony of service has been strengthened this past week. We had many opportunities to serve in our ward and it was such a great thing. I am so grateful for your examples of service. Can't wait to see you all over Thanksgiving weekend!

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you guys again! Hooray for sleeping toddlers! That first uninterrupted night sleep in a couple of years is truly a miracle!
