Sunday, November 19, 2017

Birthdays and Ferrari's

Today during the sacrament Jake shouted "that bread was good!!"  I think he was feeling the spirit.  Tonight we had tithing settlement which went really well except for the kids jumping off the chairs in the bishops office.  We have clearly taught them so well.

Grace had a great birthday that's lasted about the whole month.  I took her to see Aida at the new Hale Center Theater in Sandy yesterday for her birthday present, so I think that wrapped up her birthday celebrations.  By the way, the show was absolutely stunning.  If anybody has an interest in going, I wouldn't mind seeing it again...

Grace also got some great birthday notes from her classmates at school.  Here are a couple samples:
"Dear Gras, I hop you have a good birthday if you don't i'm sorry."
"Grace you are speshl.  I like you."
"Dear Grace you are a good friend to me you are my 2't Bff I know that Abby is your 1st Bff.  Happy Birthday."

Grant comes to work with me every morning and then I take him over to the BYU Kindergarten at 8:30.  It has been a great time and we have fun conversations every morning.  Last week I told Grant that the next time we buy a car I think it will be a truck.  He said he would rather buy a Ferrari because they're faster.  He's probably right.

Hope rolled over for the first time and is endlessly patient with all the love and affection she receives from her siblings.

We can't wait to see everybody over Thanksgiving!  Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. You have the funniest family! Gotta love those 2nd grade notes!
    When you buy your Ferrari, be sure to take Peter for a ride. He was quite disappointed when we didn't test drive one while looking for our new car.
    I've never seen Aida and would be glad to go with you any time!
