Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hart Happenings

So this is the land of the sick right now.  Jack has had the Wog for the past couple of days and completely lost his voice yesterday.  As of this post it has still not returned.  Ian is curled up in a blanket after only being able to eat one crepe (you know things are dire), and Peter's cough can be heard around the world, I'm certain.  Alex and I are hanging in there, unaffected so far.

This week was one of those lovely, ordinary weeks.  Did some homeschool, had play dates, did science with Ruth's kids, went to the temple, played outside (courtesy of the sunshine), collected eggs, worked on some house projects, cleaned out the cars, etc....I love ordinary days and weeks!

Alex, Jack, Peter, and I all enjoyed going to mutual this week.  Ian was at his 11-year-old scouts.  I just got put in the Young Women's presidency so now Alex and I get to hang out on Tuesday nights sometimes.  Party!

We enjoyed a visit from Alex's siblings and their family who came into town for his nephew's baptism.  It was a fun day.  The kids always enjoy playing with their cousins.

I had to teach the Gospel Doctrine class today and really enjoyed exploring my Gospel Library app a little more in preparation.  Their temple and family history section is superb!  They have an activity section with some really great ideas that could easily be adapted for FHE, and their inspirational resources section has some super thought provoking videos.  The ones I particularly enjoyed and used in my lesson were Redeeming the Dead Redeemed Me and The River Will Grow.  Check them out!

Counting down the days until Thanksgiving!  Can't wait to see you guys!

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