Sunday, October 22, 2017

Hart Happenings

This week has been fun!  See you all later!

Just kidding. (The boys made me do that)

For real now:
We spent the beginning of the week finishing up the basement for Alex's parents with a lot of help from Alex's brother and Ruthie.  It looks so amazing!  Unfortunately for Alex, it left me all too excited to get started on updating the upstairs now!
Tuesday, Alex's parents returned and we have enjoyed visits from more of his siblings coming to say hi to the folks.  It is always fun to have family around.
Alex and his dad finished putting up the chicken run.  Yay!  That has been a long time coming.  We are now getting 3 eggs a day.  Peter is in heaven but won't let us eat the eggs until we fill up an entire carton.  We have 2 empty slots to go.
Mom and Dad stopped by briefly on Friday like angels from heaven bringing nectar from the Gods.  I have already almost single-handedly drunk the entire gallon of apple cider I stuck in my fridge.  Good thing it takes a while to thaw the frozen ones.  It might help keep my consumption under control.
Alex and Ian had fun camping in the snow on Friday night.  Alex is the assistant scoutmaster and he and the scout master are really good friends but they are not very much alike.  Mark (scout master) loves camping and is planning on going every month all throughout the winter.  Alex doesn't really love that idea as you can well imagine.  Poor guy.  They survived though and will live to camp another month.  And he actually tented it!  I will see if I can send you pictures of their set-up but he didn't sleep in the car this time around.  I think it is because Ian was there and the other boys were saying stuff like, "if you can't sleep in a tent, you're not really a man" and all sorts of other smack-talk.  Ah peer pressure, it never really goes away, does it?
Jack played his last soccer game.  It was such a great season!  It was nice that the last game they played was actually in nice weather, some of the others were more on the miserable side of things.  Jack did really well and learned a lot.
Ian got a special part in his choir's Christmas program that he is pretty excited about.
The boys sang in church today as a special musical number.  They did a great job.  Peter wasn't nervous at all but told me that he couldn't sing the opening hymn in sacrament meeting because he needed to "save his voice for later".
We have so many leaves all over our yard!  Jack and Peter and I spent a good time raking and jumping in leaves on Saturday.  We did so much jumping though that our piles got re-distributed on the lawn.  Oh well.
We are all super excited for Thanksgiving.  I will be bringing an apple slab pie, which is so much tastier than it sounds and also some cranberry sauce, and maybe my favorite pie from Kneaders.
See you in a few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I am a man! But I'm also a smart man. If my car is warmer and available I don't see how that lessens my manhood!
