Sunday, October 8, 2017

...And Loving It!

Hey familia.  What's the deal with all the skimpy posting, huh?? C'mon, I need to hear all the things that're going on!

SO.  Y'all might be wondering what's up with my mission and stuffs.  Even if you aren't wondering, I'm going to tell you anyway ;) I'm officially starting my papers on the 18th of this month (so like, a week from this coming Wednesday).  I'm putting my availability date for May 12th, so I can turn my papers in on January 12th.  Sometime in January I'll be going to the temple (not November like I thought originally) so when we get that sorted out I'll let you know! I'm very excited.  Also, if you have any tips for prepping for mission or temple, let me know cuz I need all the help I can get!

My roommates and I piled into my roommates car today to go to stake conference (dad did a great job, BTW), and CHRISTMAS MUSIC STARTED PLAYING!!!!! the time has come everybody.  I flipped out.  We turned it off of course, but not before listening to O Come O Come Emmanuel.  Good times.  How come nobody told me roommates were the greatest thing ever?? It's actually a party all the time.  And when it's not a party, we're probably sleeping.

Looks like that's all I got for today.  Thanks all for coming down/up for conference.  It was a great time and I love it when everybody comes.  Pretty much the best ever. 

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have cool roommates! Of course, what do you expect when one of them is named Elise? No brainer. The one thing I remember Dad telling me when I was getting ready to go to the temple is that it is all true, it is the truest, rightest place on the earth and everything that happens there is also true and right. I'm so excited for you! We'll be there no matter what.
