Sunday, October 29, 2017

...And LOVING It!!

Okay familia, lets take a moment and just acknowledge that I have the greatest siblings in the entire universe.  Holy cow I'm so blessed.  I was gone at band all day yesterday, and it was rough.  We took third (by like, a HUGE margin: 16 points.  That NEVER happens.  Unless you're us) after a phenomenal performance, I spilled soda all over my khaki pants and all over the bus seat so it was sticky for the full two and a half hours back home, a few of the kids got sick and someone on our bus threw up so it smelled awful, and we didn't get back until ten thirty.  Talk about quite the day.  And that's not to mention failing a chemistry test, not getting the host position for the Face to Face, and also not getting a job I had applied for.  Anyway, that makes for a great week, right? RIGHT! Ruth and her awesome kids sent me a box of sunshine yesterday which I didn't open until just now because I was soooo tired yesterday.  I'm a little bit of a mess so I started to cry and laugh and just be super happy! It's so awesome! there's a candle, some treats, a note from Eliza, a funny picture of Millie, some chapstick, balloons, and some mixes for cookies and muffins! I'm so excited! Ya know, even if everything seems to be going wrong 1) something can always make us smile  and 2) Heavenly Father will always be watching out for us and sending little tender mercies that will help us through the rough spots.  I wish everyone had siblings as great as mine.  Really I'm the luckiest person on the planet.  #blessed

Yeah, so I was thinking about what I was going to post today, and it was all about the not-so-great stuff mentioned in the first paragraph, but that doesn't really matter anymore :) Life is good everybody.  It's that kind of weather where it's frigid in the morning with the wind blowing up on campus, then about 3 o'clock, it's WAY too warm for long pants and sweatshirts, so that's obnoxious.  But it is better than just being cold all the time. Fun fact: we still haven't turned on our heat in our apartment yet because the laundry room keeps us nice and warm ;) Our utilities are only like $20 a month so far so that's super great.  I'm getting very excited for Christmas (mostly so my roommates will take down the creepy stuff in our apartment) but Ruth mentioned that she's excited to go Black Friday shopping and I was like, oh yeah, start saving now! I'm pumped for that! I love our Black Friday-ness.  Y'all ready, sistas?

So this is a very long post, hopefully it wasn't too boring for anybody.  Just wanted to say I love you guys and think you are the best ever.  If any of you spot an upright piano that's like, ya know, $10 or cheaper, let us know.  We need to get one in mom and dad's house before Thanksgiving so we can sing! Love you all soooo much.  Have a great week and a Happy Halloween :)

1 comment:

  1. Bring it Black Friday! Siblings are the best and ours are definitely the greatest! Way to keep your chin up littlest sis!
