Sunday, October 29, 2017

Flake Fun

This week was pretty good but this weekend was fantastic! Scott took me to Sedona for a birthday weekend getaway which was awesome!  We stayed at a cute little place called the Baby Quail Inn.  The first morning we went over to breakfast and there was a cute little man there who looked just like Dick Van Dyke!  He is the owner and he spent the whole time telling us stories about his time in Hollywood working with people like Carol Burnette, Lucille Ball, James Garner and others!  Such a crack up! 
We went on some hikes and showed up at the art village just in time for the Dia de los Muertos celebration. If you haven't been to Sedona, I would highly recommend it.  It is a neat little town with lots of trails and shops.

We bought bikes a couple of weeks ago and are trying out the bike slime that keeps your tires from going flat.  After one ride it looks like it might work...

The weather is turning cold in the evenings but the days are beautiful.  Happily our outdoor goldfish are still alive and doing great!

We're looking forward to Thanksgiving.  We'll plan to do a veggie tray if that is okay!  See you soon!


  1. Bike slime? Never heard of it, but it sounds like it would be handy to have in our bike arsenal, considering that two of our bikes are out of commission due to flat tires and the smallest one just had to be replaces because it got run over by the van. Sigh.

  2. So glad you got away for your birthday! I'm intrigued with Sedona and hope we get to go there one day. We put something like the tire slime in when we bought bikes for everyone that year and it worked miracles. I don't remember ever changing a flat tire after we used it! Happy riding...
