Sunday, October 8, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

Ruth called this morning and said they are currently internet-less. She can't seem to get her phone to connect either, so she is not able to post but wanted everyone to know she's not on the blog because she's not interested, but will be back on as soon as technology can help her out a little bit.

I keep reflecting on such a wonderful weekend last week. It was absolutely heavenly to have most everyone here for conference and for Dad's surprise birthday party. Thanks for making that effort and making it so special. We hope to see you again in a couple of months for Thanksgiving!!

We had a choice experience with the Special Stake Conference that was held in Dad's stake today. Elder Uceda of the presidency of the Seventy presided and Elder Laing, our Area Authority Seventy, attended and spoke as well. Dad gave an amazing talk about repentance and totally set the stage for Elder Uceda's talk on the same subject. Elder Uceda is the most sincerely humble person I've ever met. It was truly an incredible experience to talk with him and listen to him speak. There was a tremendous spirit in the tabernacle, that was completely filled with young single adults who seemed to hang on every word he said. The meeting lasted only an hour and a half, which many people commented on and were grateful for! Dad will still have his regular stake conference in November. I guess the brethren are just trying to get out more among the saints, or maybe just among the YSA folks.  Dad had a special 5 hour meeting yesterday with Elder Cook, Elder Uceda, Bishop Causse and several stake presidencies and bishoprics in our area. It would be worth your time to talk with him about that experience.

We've had several frosty mornings recently, but covered our tomatoes, so they are still ripening. I'm not quite ready to let go of the garden yet! (I'm a little tired of letting go...) The Hart boys were here for a couple of days and helped pick some tomatoes and peppers. I guess I'll do one more batch of salsa or spaghetti sauce.

Our search for the right car at the right price continues. We are not extremely fond of dealerships and were reminded why yesterday when we went to look and test drive some cars. The price was right on one vehicle and I started to get a little excited until they tacked on $2,000+ in fees!! If you hear of any great cars for sale at a great price, let us know. We'd be happy to travel to Utah county or Idaho or even Arizona if we have to! We aren't too desperate yet, but we have to return Elise and Alex's car soon....

Thanks for keeping in touch. I'm grateful for the time you take to write on the blog! Can't wait to see you all again. Have a lovely week, wearing coats, carving pumpkins, eating apples.....

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