Sunday, October 8, 2017

Flake Fun

So it has been about a month since we last posted.  Sorry about that!  Not a whole lot has happened of great consequence. 

Things keep going at work.  I was named Acting Health Director for about a week while my boss was out of town.  It was a crazy experience that made me appreciate more the directors and administrators.  In the time that he was gone walls had to be torn down for a remodel, a staff member quit without notice, another staff accepted another position and we had a manager's meeting.  It was nuts but I survived and was very glad when the Health Director returned.

One of our fish died so we are down to 4 little Tetras but they have a really cool tank.  Scott created a "bog" that is growing plants!  There is a little waterfall and some other neat features.  Our outdoor goldfish are looking great and keep growing! 

Our island is really coming together.  We have sifted all of the dirt (and used to rocks we sifted to fill the potholes in our lane) and now just have to put the finishing stones on.  We are contemplating doing one section in a water plant feature.  We'll see how that turns out.  Oh, one evening we were finishing up some stuff on the island and turned to walk in the house and nearly stepped on a toad that hopped onto our door step and would have invited himself in if I hadn't gotten in front of him.  Lots of fun with the wildlife! 

We have a large compost pile in our garden area.  The frost came and our garden is toast but it was nice while it lasted.  We also got some soil amendments to increase the acidity of our soil so hopefully the plants will be happier next year.

Yesterday we were cooking and I burned 3 of my fingers pretty bad.  No fear, they are better now but there was quite a blister (or 4) this morning when I woke up.  Scott is taking very good care of me.

Emma, as far as mission and temple prep, keep doing what you are doing.  I think that living with roommates was one of the best mission preps you can have!  Glad you are enjoying it! 

Well, that is about all I can think of right now. I hope that you all have a great week!  Love you all and can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving.


  1. Sorry about your fingers! Burns are the worst! The boys can commiserate because they came out with blisters a couple of weeks ago when they were using the hot glue gun. No fun.

  2. Do you have something to put on your fingers? Burn Free? Arnica? I'm so sorry!
    I'd love to see pictures of the island. That will be so fun to have finished!
