Sunday, October 8, 2017

Hart Happenings

We had so much fun last weekend at Mom and Dad's house watching conference with everyone and celebrating Dad's 60th birthday.  He is seriously the youngest 60-year-old that I have every met!  Thanks for everyone for the participation and ideas, it came together even better than I had it in my head.  We have a wonderful dad.  The best really.

We came home for a couple of days and then headed back down for a Marriage Relationship conference, which was excellent.  The boys stayed with Mom and Dad and were spoiled by them and Emma.  We were joking with them that next time we'll send the boys to Salt Lake and we'll come home and have the grandparents entertain us!

We woke up to snow this morning.  None of it stayed around.  I think it sensed the unwelcoming vibes we were all sending out.  I love the snow, but I'm not quite ready for it yet!  So, our garden, like the Flake's, is toast.

We wrapped things up at the kids' youth garden with our annual Fall Clean-up.  It's nice to have that all done.  

Alex has been watching college football on the weekends which makes him very happy.  We got a new light to put in our entryway which makes me very happy.  So we're all very happy.

We went out with some friends today to glean potatoes from a field not far from our house.  We had never done that before and it was really fun.  We donated the potatoes to St. Vincent's pantry.  They boys had a ball.  I think potatoes are the most fun thing to harvest in a garden, it's like a treasure hunt.

The basement is getting a complete overhaul after the flood and in preparation for Alex's parents to return.  They come home in just over a week.  Hopefully we can get everything ready.

I'm rambling.  Life is good.  Really good.  Love you all.  Lauren I want to see pictures of your rugs!  Where did you find them?  Maybe I'll just swing down and see them in person.

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