Sunday, October 22, 2017

...And Loving It

Hey fam.  Not surprisingly, I didn't really do anything fun this week except study and work and get shot.  So that was great.  Actually no, shots aren't that bad but for some reason I was SUPER tired and that was obnoxious. 

I'm going stir crazy with college.  We just passed midterm so it's kind of like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but I really just can't wait until Christmas.  I really have to focus on not listening to Christmas music and putting up a tree.  So far I've done a pretty good job.  I did go to a friends house on Saturday and watch Elf and drink hot chocolate and listen to Christmas music..... and all that did was get me more hyped for Christmas.  So yeah, when I wrote this post, as of now there is 63 days, 9 hours, 2 minutes and 45 seconds until Christmas.  In case you were wondering. 

Anyway, mostly I'm just excited to see any or all of you when you come.  Hope you have a good week :)


  1. Emma! Good luck on your big call backs tomorrow! We are sending prayer vibes your direction and know that you will be fabulous. We are getting excited for Christmas as well and have listened to a few festive tunes and had hot chocolate but no movies yet. Love ya sis!

  2. Hoping to see your face on the next Face to Face! Maybe we can convince Mom to let us pull out the Christmas decorations while we are all there for Thanksgiving!
