Monday, September 25, 2017

Manning Mania

Things are fun and busy here in Utah County. I am trying to repent of my lack of blogging but Sundays slip by quickly so I might just have to choose a different day to post!
We are loving our little house and have been slowly adding finishing touches. We finally put up some pictures and got some large rugs. Our garden went crazy this year which has been so great! We have been experimenting with beets, beans, tomatoes, jalapenos, and corn. The squash will be coming on soon so we are excited about that!
It is great living next to Nick's sister Lindsay and to Joe. I started teaching Grace and two of Linsday's kids piano this month and I am excited to start that up again.
Nick loves seminary and has a great faculty to work with who keep him laughing. You'll have to ask him for stories.
Wesley keeps getting cuter if that's even possible. He is starting to talk and understand a lot! He loves garbage anything, garbage cans, garbage trucks, garbage you name it! He likes all machines and noise making devices. He likes to look in the mirror and watch a cute person in there!
We are having a great time getting to know wonderful people and learning self reliance skills: making soap, canning, finances, home repair. Stuff you are all pros at!
That was a lot of rambling so I'll sign off and Wesley's trying to break the computer! Have a great conference weekend!

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