Sunday, July 2, 2017

...And Loving It!

Can I just say making decisions is the worst? College is scary and dating is even worse.
So, I think I need some advice from people that have gone through this whole thing before.  I'm registered for USU this fall, but I really don't want to go to USU... I'd kind of like to branch out a little and see a little more of the world... Maybe even as far as BYUI.  So, my thinking has been that maybe I'll apply to BYUI for winter/spring semesters, and just work here in Logan until then, maybe taking a couple of Bridgerland classes like sign language and such.
   I'd just like it if you'd give me some advice on what to do - stay here and do college here until my mission (I can turn in papers in February!), or maybe work for the fall, then head up to Idaho or something to branch out until my mission.  I haven't applied to BYUI, but if by some miracle I got accepted, I'd like to know what you more experienced people would do if you were me.  Mostly I just want to go on a mission but I can't until April :P

Anyway, life is good.  If all the Idahoans aren't doing anything this week, I may drop by because I don't work at all this week!! Let me know.  Love you all.  Hope you have a great week :)

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