Sunday, July 9, 2017

...And Loving It

So actually, this week was pretty great.  Tuesday was fun because I got to walk along side the marching band and tell them what to do.  My fave (sarcasm folks, sarcasm).  They sounded pretty good, but their feet were kind of a mess... and that points to me as their visual/marching/movement/drill instructor.  This next week I'll be doing section week, telling them how to do the drill charts and find their spot on the field at any given point.  This isn't super hard to grasp, but when I was organizing how I was going to teach, I realized I didn't actually know a lot of the stuff... like the difference between the two sides of the field... Oh boy.  #adultingishard

Anyway, besides that, I said goodbye to Carter Martindale after the parade and it was very sad.  He'll be serving in Romania Russian speaking and he'll do so good!! He's a pretty awesome kid, even without his afro.  Now our unit for We The People is broken up :( But we all good, because Emma and I are pretty tight until she goes to USU this fall...

Speaking of We The People!!! Our AP government test scores came out and I got a 4!! For those of you who don't know, there is a big 75 question multiple choice section, then four free response essays.  You're given points for the multiple choice, then graded on the essays.  They grade from 1-5, so a four is pretty good if I say so myself.  I may be really really happy about that, considering that we only did about three weeks of actual AP government out of nine months, because we focused on We The People so much.... Go us! the other Emma in my unit also got a four, and I'm going to email Carter today and see what he got (I'm sure it's a five, so our unit is kind of legit).

After saying goodbye to Carter, I went to Idaho and spent a fun day with Elise and Ruth.  I really love my siblings lots, just so ya'll know.  We did lots of fun things and I ate too many sweets and got sick but we all good now.  The boys and I had fun listening to Harry Potter on the way to BYUI to look around at the grounds.  Ruth and Elise were kind enough to take me to the college to look around and get a feel for the campus.  It was 98 degrees which was about thirty degrees too hot in my opinion, but all the kids were great and we had a fun time in the gardens.   I felt really good about it, so I think I'll try and figure out how to apply there and see if I'm supposed to go.  Thomas's advice was to not go because "You know why it's called BYU I Do don't you?" And maybe it's because he really just doesn't like BYU or something.  IDK though...

Sorry, my posts are always super long but I just like to be in touch with my family, even though my life is pretty boring :P love you all.  Hope you have a good week.


  1. You are doing a great job of "adulating" if you ask me! You didn't (ask me), but I'm telling you anyway :) You're going to be a fabulous adult, Em!

  2. It was so fun to have you up Em! We adore you!
