Sunday, July 16, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

Happy Birthday to Elise!!!  We are sending subliminal best wishes your way!! We recently drove to the parking lot where you were born (where the hospital used to be) to smell the wonderful Lindon Trees in honor of your birthday. How lucky we were to have you come to our family on that fragrant day!

We are delighted that Buster the Bat was freed from his fireplace hotel. I'm not sure what it is about the Nilssons that they attract bats, but the little guys seem to like their company for some reason! We like their company, too, so I guess we have something in common with bats...  Anyway, we are happy the captive has gone free - and with no injuries to anyone :)

We are also delighted that the Bellistons made it back to Springville in time for the epoch water fight! I wish we could have been there to watch - from an inside, safe spot! I thought of that experience in Relief Society today when we read the scripture in Mosiah 4:26, "... I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath.... and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants." That's exactly what the Lord did for the Bellistons, and will do for all of us - administers to us according to what is important to us. Really? A water fight? It was important to Joe and the children (maybe not so much to Lori?!), so it was important to the Lord to help them get there. I'm always amazed and grateful that our desires are honored by Him. I know it isn't always the case and that sometimes our very righteous desires, for some reason, are not realized. I suppose that's why the tender mercies in the seemingly small experiences are so significant. Anyway, glad you made it home and enjoyed the comradery. Why the flat tire? Don't know. Just get a spare :)

Same old, same old here this week. Work, gardening, meetings, another birth, trying to decide about home improvements, working on getting Emma's math finished. We did get to feed the neighbors chickens and Emma went to Bear Lake and had fun boating. Not much else to tell. We are eating very yummy raspberries from our patch! We'd love to share if you will come visit :)

Dad will be taking off for Tucson this week. Glad I don't have to go! It's hot enough here for me. Have a wonderful week, all! Play some pioneer games - or better yet, come up/down here and we'll play some pioneer games with you (and then we'll eat raspberries)!!

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