Sunday, June 25, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

I'm in the top running for blog post slacker, too, probably first runner up...

June has been the month of company around here - Becca and Darin, Jeremy Carlsen and family, company coming to see Tarzan (Joe's family, Harts, Nilssons and Mannings), and Nate will be here week for work meetings and plans to come visit. Thomas has even stopped in a couple of times, which was nice. We have LOVED seeing everyone! It was a little strange this morning when Mannings left. We had a little pattern going - Harts came and stayed overnight. When they left, Nilssons came. They stayed overnight, then Mannings came when Ruth left. I just assumed someone would come when Lauren and Nick left this morning, but we're still waiting for that to happen!

We had a delightful time with Becca. She thoroughly enjoyed seeing Ruth's family and spending time with Lauren and Wesley and Emma. It was so fun to have her, as you all know. She's just great and loves being with family when she can. We had lots of time to visit and make plans. You'll probably be getting emails from her about some of our ideas.

Tarzan was such a good show. Everywhere we go these days people stop us to rave about Thomas and what an amazing job he did. I think he'll be glad after tomorrow night, though. It's fun while it lasts, but he's had nine performances and he's ready to be finished. Thank you all for making the effort to come and support him. It meant a lot to him and he was so happy to see you all there.

Happy Birthday to our favorite 3 year olds! Joy and Jake had a birthday today. They are pretty thrilled with their new flashlights and seem quite pleased to have had cupcakes. I keep wondering why everyone thinks it's okay to keep growing up!

Our garden is doing its best to grow. Our yard is trying to shape up. We are trying to keep on top of things. Dad enjoyed his time with Grandpa's relatives in Provo at their annual "cousins reunion."  I enjoyed attending a birth this month. It was bitter-sweet to have Lauren and Nick move. We are so happy they have a job and a darling little house, but it was such a blessing when they lived here to be able to stop in and visit or have lunch together. We will miss them being in the valley. Who is going to pull funny faces and make us laugh?!

A 2020 celebration..... I'm totally up for it! Where shall we go....  Nauvoo??  Zion's Park??  Disneyland??  Oregon Coast??  We're accepting any and all suggestions!!

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