Monday, July 24, 2017

Flake Fun

This week has been a fun one.  We really enjoyed spending the weekend with Dad "on his way" to Tucson. 

We "transplanted" our goldfish to another tank and they are doing marvelously well.  The rancher who was using the field by our house (he owns the bull) wanted to empty his water tank so we put them in another tank.  They are getting really big and it now looks more like an aquarium or pond than a horse watering tank!

Last night the power went out for about an hour around dusk so we went over to the Packard's and sat on the front porch and chatted.  Good times.  Uncle Bruce is a cowboy poet and spinner of tall tales and he kept us laughing the whole evening.

Our house is completely done and waiting for the right renter.  We have had a handful of applicants but none of them have been stand-out.  We have another showing tonight so we'll see.  Hopefully we'll get it rented by the first of the month.

Well, I better get to work. I hope you all have a great week!

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