Sunday, July 30, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

Dad enjoyed his trip to Arizona this week, especially seeing Jenn and Scott in Snowflake. He was glad to see the spot where the Flakes hope to build a house, to go to church with them and have lots of visiting. His work meetings were productive and he was even able to get home in time to go to the production of Pirates of Penzance, compliments of Grandpa and Christi.

It was fun to have Grandpa and Christi here. They are very kind and generous and we had some great conversations, solving many of the world's problems! They always have positive and uplifting things to talk about. They saw many wonderful plays and were uplifted and entertained.

Emma had a preliminary band camp - drill camp, where she instructed students in drill. Next week is the "real" band camp, the 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. band camp, where they put the whole show together. She is feeling overwhelmed and praying that things will come together. There are a great majority of band members who are participating for the first time, so the progress is a bit slower than Emma's comfortable with. I'm sure it will all turn out just fine. Always does!

Our garlic is harvested and we are eating fresh raspberries every day and have had a blackberry or two, as well. Other than that, our garden is behind schedule since we planted so late. But there is hope! We have loads of green tomatoes and our peppers are coming on and there are a thousand blossoms on our cucumber plant. This is surely a tasty time of year!

After watching Joe's videos multiple times, I started thinking about how fun this blog will be to look back on in about 10 years. Thanks for taking time to write and post pictures! It is delightful now and will only become more precious in the coming years.  Have a great week, All!

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