Sunday, July 23, 2017

Hart Happenings

And the summer rolls on......
  Garden class continues
  The temperatures hovers consistently in the 90s
  Lots of time at the library
  Yard projects
We planted a new willow tree that we are hoping, in time, will take up the entire space in between the driveway.
The boys and I went to the park with a friend where they were introduced to the summertime staple activity of ice blocking.  It was so much fun to watch and they even convinced mom to go down a few times.  I must say that I am pretty good at this activity.
Congratulations to the Springville Bellistons on the new arrival!  We are so excited to meet Hope, even though Peter still thinks her name should be Hulk (what he thought it was originally).  She is adorable and we would love to see more pictures!
We had Ruth and her littlest ones over last night which was fun.  We have been picking raspberries for our neighbors who are out of town and we took Ruth over to show her their patch.  It is mind blowing!  She is determined to acquire starts from them and get her own patch going.  We spent some time enjoying the fire pit after we cleaned out the waterfall/stream portion of the yard.
The boys gave me a slack line for my birthday.  I'm horrible at it.  It makes me laugh so hard when I get on that balancing is impossible.  You should all come and try it!
Life is good and fun.  Love you all!

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