Sunday, July 30, 2017

Nilsson News

Hello all!  We survived our family reunion- barely.  It was fun to gather with Garrett's family.  We played in our backyard (now that our treehouse complex is complete!), fed carrots to the donkeys, went to Bear World (awesome!), and Garrett and the older kids went up to Island Park and Yellowstone.  I stayed home with the two littlest since our donkey is due any day.  I feel like she has been eternally due!  It was fun but very long!  We had people here from Monday to Monday.  I'm glad our gatherings are about three days because then you still want to see each other again when it is all over.
I am still in recovery mode from hosting so many people (thanks to the Harts for giving us a great deal on a sleeper house so everyone didn't have to sleep here!).  I need to jump in and gear up for canning season!  We have already had several meals containing zucchini and we have harvested peppers, tomatoes and one cucumber.  Oh so tasty!  Our watermelon is doing awesome and we have about 10 volleyball sized melons.  Jenn, how big of melons are we supposed to harvest from the plants you gave us?  If anyone needs potatoes please let us know!  We planted 5 lbs of spuds which may not sound like a lot but we will probably harvest around 100 lbs worth!
The kids are ready to start school and get back into a regular routine.  We decided to do some study about eclipses since we will be experiencing one shortly.  So amazing!  I now know why it is such a huge deal!  In Idaho Falls we will be able to witness a total solar eclipse.  The probability of ever witnessing a total eclipse in Idaho Falls again will be 376 years from now!  It will be total mayhem but we invite you all to come!  They are also predicting that this will be the largest traffic disaster in the nation's history but don't let that scare you and join in!  You need the solar glasses to view the partial eclipse which lasts about an hour but for the 2 minutes of totality you can take them off.  I am actually getting super excited for this once in a lifetime event!
Love you all and can't wait to see you!

1 comment:

  1. We have lots of extra solar glasses, so don't worry about trying to track some down.
