Sunday, July 23, 2017

Oh Baby!

This week has been really fun for me.  Other than very little sleep.  Monday morning I was awakened just before 5am to say we had to get to the hospital.  I wasn't really prepared so I just sat and stared at Lori for a while until my brain cleared up and I started moving aimlessly around trying to look productive.

 Baby Hope arrived at 7:11am on 7/17/17.  I was really hoping she would wait for another 6 minutes, but it wasn't meant to be.  She didn't breath for the first 3 minutes which made us a little nervous, and we are very glad she finally did.  The kids love her and I'm not quite sure how she's going to survive the next few months.

So my job this week was to play with the kids and clean the house.  I must say I did pretty well at both.  We took the kids to swim lessons, went fishing, went to Thanksgiving point to the farm and dinosaur museum, fed the ducks,
and played at the park multiple times.  It was a blast!!  I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to go back to work next week.

Lori is feeling much better and it was a lot of fun to have mom, dad, and Emma come down to visit.  Emma said she hasn't seen Moana so Jake and Joy gave her a preview.  I hope you enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. There is some serious excitement about that new baby! I have never seen such excited siblings!
