Sunday, July 16, 2017

Nilsson News

We have been out of blogland for a few weeks but now we are back.  The house is quiet because everyone is at church and I'm home holding a sick baby Millie.  What better time to post?
July has whizzed by!  Garrett's parents have been here since July 1st escaping the St. George heat and helping us get ready for their big reunion which starts tomorrow.  We have checked off a lot of projects and I guess that is the one good thing about hosting a reunion, you get a lot of things done!  Yesterday we pretty much finished off the treehouse!  Garrett went and got sand at the local sand dune and filled our sandbox.  The swings were hung from the 15' tall beam and now the kids love flying through the sky.  The slide is up and running and the whole place is like a kids adventure station (even for kids 30 yrs. and older!).  Come play sometime!  I may need to text you all a picture of it since I can't seem to post pictures on the blog.
I love the summer and wish it would stick around longer or maybe I just need to figure out how to slow my life down.  The flowers are blooming in our flower beds and we have seen so many swallow tail butterflies.  One got trapped in our sun room area so we rescued it and he let us just hold him and take pictures.  Beautiful!  The garden is growing fantastically!  Our watermelon is loving life (Jenn I will send you a picture of that as well) and so far we are staying on top of the weeds.
I texted you all about our pet bat Buster.  Here's an update:  The evening arrived and Buster was very active and obviously wanting out of his fireplace abode.  I'd looked up some ideas on how to catch a bat and one of the suggestions was to throw a cloth over the bat and then pick him up and take him out.  Garrett slowly opened the door of the fireplace and tossed the cloth on and was so startled when the bat started chattering, he promptly slammed the door!  Bats do make noise just FYI especially when they have been covered with a cloth.  After about 20 minutes and Garrett sweating bullets, the little guy was captured and taken outside.  He flew off and we realized he actually wasn't too small, about a 12" wingspan.  It was quite the event!  I would take bats over mice in the house any day!
We hope all is going well for you and hope to see you soon at the cousin's reunion or at the eclipse!

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