Sunday, July 16, 2017

Manning Moments

Well, things are just pretty great around here. We are loving our home and yard and neighbors!
Nick has become a handyman and has done some pretty awesome repairs around the house. He is also loving the faculty he works with. He has some pretty funny stories when he comes home though. All the teachers are super star people and they sure love to play just as much as they teach. The other day the principle (who is Gerald Lund's son) was calling out to see who was coming for lunch and Nick said he would be there soon. When he got to the classroom for lunch it was set up for plunger wars! They throw plunger heads at the white board that is drawn like a dart board! Oh they are funny!
Wesley gets cuter and smarter each day. He is also more dangerous and gets a few more bonks each day. The other day he discovered Nick's screw that is in his head. He studied it for a while then turned his dad's head to look at the other side and couldn't find one there. Then he looked at my head to see if I had one. Smart boy!
In our spare time we make plans for decorating our house and such. Our garden is growing well which is exciting.
Today we had the sister missionaries over and they were from Georgia and Florida. Both from Thomas's stomping grounds. Wesley really enjoyed their company. We had a new treat that was quite delicious and you all must try soon! Enjoy!
PB&J Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
6 T. brown sugar
1/2 t, baking soda
1 egg
Slow churned style vanilla ice cream, slightly softened
raspberry or strawberry jam

Mix first 4 ingredients. Refrigerate 1 hour. scoop and roll 1/2 T balls and flatten slightly with hand on cookie sheet. Cook 350 for 5-7 minutes. Let cool 2-3 minutes on baking sheet then transfer to cookie rack. Store in freezer until ready to assemble. (About 2 dozen cookies)
Flip cookies over and spoon 1/4 t jam on each one. Put ice cream on half of the cookies. Sandwich another cookie on top and gently press together. Put in freezer until firm and then devour!

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