Sunday, July 23, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

The last few days have seemed to go on forever. I definitely wouldn't make a very good hermit. Dad left on Friday for Tucson and Emma left yesterday morning for Utah County, and I've been trying (not very valiantly) to resist the strong temptation to be jealous of both. I would love to have been with Dad in Snowflake for the Pioneer Day activities and with Emma in Springville and American Fork, playing with grandchildren. Alas, I remained behind to tend the animals and the garden. I must admit that I have been quite productive and felt satisfied with my use of time, but I am tired of talking to myself. I didn't know how dull I am to listen to! My new goal is to find something of value and interest every day to talk with others about!

I was just finishing up a birth on Monday when I got the text from Joe about the arrival of little Hope! That was delightful news! About 15 minutes later I got another text - from a second mom in labor. Three babies that day! The last one weighed 10# 5 oz and is as rolly-polly as can be! That was a really wonderful "baby day" and all went well with each birth.

Later in the week I got a call from a mom who was having some bruising and sores in her mouth. I encouraged her to call the doctor and he did some blood work. Her platelet count came back as 0! Really scary! She was in intensive care for three days receiving platelet transfusions and steroid treatments because her spleen was destroying her platelets, for some reason. Needless to say, I won't be doing her birth - except as a doula. I'm just glad she's okay. If I had decided to do bloodwork, I would still be waiting for results. Who knows what would have happened! It was a great blessing that things worked out the way they did. Definitely a tender mercy.

 Dad and I went to Springville to visit little Hope and the rest of the Bellistons. She is a dolly - definitely belongs to the clan! We thought it would be fun to take the kiddos to the splash pad so Joe and Lori could get some rest, so we got everyone ready and took off. Grace and I went to the library while Grandpa took the others to get wet. Well, just as they arrived, the splash pad closed down due to cloudy, rainy weather. Just as Grace and I were leaving the library, the others picked us up. We decided to wait it out by driving around. All four children fell asleep in the car so we kept driving until it was obvious that the splash pad would remain closed. We will have to give it a second chance one of these days!

Thomas went to Insta Care again for his back. Wish we could get to the bottom of that. He's trying to rest and give it a break right now. He and Victoria are kind enough to come keep me company this evening. It will be nice to have someone besides Chester to talk to!

Have a great week, everyone! If you'd like to visit with Grandpa and Christi (or just with me), you are welcome to come here this week. They will arrive Tuesday and stay until Saturday. They have come for the past several years to attend the opera performances. The line up this year is tremendous - Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pirates of Penzance, Madama Butterfly, Music Man, Seussical and Rex (about King Henry VIII). It should be amazing - come if you can!!  Love you all!

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