Sunday, June 25, 2017

Manning Moments

So I think we win for being the blog slackers of the century! I love to read your posts on my phone but I have this thing about getting the computer out to post something because it takes too long on my phone. It's called lazy.
Anyway, as you all know, we have officially moved to American Fork. The move went smoothly thanks to mom for all her help. Nick was at work meetings the week we moved so I was pretty needy. But we are mostly unpacked and we love our little house so much. Wesley has been so happy prancing around his new kingdom and making sure the ceiling fans are always going and the garage goes up and down every time we go outside. Mom and dad came down a couple days after we moved in and we whipped out a garden in no time. We have a nice sized yard and a big garden space and so dad brought the tiller and we got everything planted in one afternoon. Everything is now popping up and we are so excited! Family is so great! It was fun having Emma come down and spend the day and she was so helpful in organizing a few more projects.
Nick is enjoying work a lot and we have been able to get to know the faculty a little better with some social events. The principle is Gerald Lund's son and another faculty member is related to one of the seventy. The area director is Brother Wilcox. This is a little different than Preston...
One highlight this past week was going to watch Thomas in Tarzan. Wow! It was amazing! The set, the acting, singing, everything was incredible! Thomas was the best of all.
Well, we are excited to see you all at our place at some point in the near future. I also like Ruth's idea of a 2020 event. I would also suggest a surprise 60th for our Padre. Thoughts? Suggestions?

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