Sunday, June 4, 2017

Nilsson News

Oh what fun it is to gather together!  Other than the sick episodes that seemed to come and go, the gathering couldn't have been better!  I don't know why I was thinking about this, but I thought that we need to do a big to do in 2020 (that's just three years folks!) in honor of the opening of the great time capsule that we put together in 2000.  It would be fun to make another one with all the grandkids involved.  Just thinking...
So we got home and got to work.  We were able to get the rest of the garden planted.  I put the plastic out and planted our tomatoes and watermelon.  It is interesting to note the magic of said plastic.  None of the plants that we put in it experienced any kind of planting shock.  Our other transplants however, suffered for a few days.  We will let you know how it progresses.  It feels like summer has finally arrived here in the far north.  There is a lot on the to do list so anyone who is feeling like they are lacking in a to do list can come up this direction and we will put you to work!
Our temple was dedicated today!  Garrett was heavily involved with the youth cultural celebration on Friday and Saturday.  I don't know how you would even attempt to organize something with 15,000 teenagers.  Somehow it came together and was quite the production!  This morning and afternoon we were able to attend the dedication sessions with President Eyring.  Again, I have greater resolve to attend the temple more regularly.  I've discovered that if we don't write down when we are going to attend and make it a priority, it doesn't happen.  Garrett and I are going to start going weekly because I was reminded during the dedication that as we go to the temple we are not only blessed in the service we do there but in every aspect of our lives.  We need all the help we can get!
Sure love you family!  We need to play again real soon!
Mom, it would be fun to see the pictures of everyone I think.

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