Sunday, June 4, 2017

Art City Days

This next week is Art City Days here is Springville.  It started yesterday with the 5K that we do every year.  Grace, Grant and Joe ran and finished in 46:09.  Grace was the winner by .01 seconds.  If anyone wants to join us for the festivities this coming week, feel free to come down. 

Grace and Grant both had to get Fidget Spinners after the family gathering so they did extra chores every day to earn some money and each bought one yesterday.  They have been playing with them non stop ever since. 

It was great to have Jenn and Scott here on their way back to Arizona.  Lori had the great idea to put the new garage lights up while Scott was here and he was kind enough to teach me how to do it.  I hope they still want to come even though there's always some home repair that Scott ends up helping us with every time they come.  I promise that's the last one...

The gathering was great!  I'm going to have Grant teach me how to meditate.  Thanks to everyone for making the effort to be there.  It was so fun catching up with everyone and playing.

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