Sunday, June 4, 2017

Flake Fun

4 June 2017 - We arrived back in Snowflake safe and sound on Tuesday.  Thanks a bunch to the Springville Belliston family for hosting us on Monday night.  We both enjoyed the gathering immensely.  I think the Olympics were a highlight for us as well as playing with the kiddos, chatting with everyone and planting potatoes with Dad.   I am already planning my new landscaping!!!

We couldn't bring ourselves to visit the house on Tuesday but we went over Wednesday night and confirmed that it was as bad as we remembered it to be.  I spent basically all of Friday wiping down walls, picking up garbage and trying to air out the place as much as possible.  On Saturday we did a huge trash pick up with the help of two wonderful neighbors and the Elders.  They were an immense help and were hilarious!  After 2-3 hours we had filled the bed of the pickup (past the cab and topped with a mattress) and a large trailer with garbage and other junk that they had left on the property.  It came out to 0.66 TONS of garbage at the dump.  And there is still a pile in the back yard and a full garbage can waiting to be picked up.  But it gave us hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 
We had a carpet installer come and he is working on an estimate for replacing the carpet (he seemed to be in a BIG hurry to leave - due to the smell I think).  We also got an estimate from a carpet cleaner who said that removing the carpet is the only way to get rid of the smell completely (as long as it hasn't seeped into the subfloor) but it would cost about $800 to clean the carpets.  So we are still in talks about what we are going to do.  Should have it all figured out by this weekend. 

The weather has been wonderful.  We bought some goldfish yesterday and put them in the watering tanks outside. They keep the bugs down and eat mosquito eggs...and they are fun to watch!  
Our garden is trying to recuperate and we are hopeful that the tomatoes will pull through.  We have potatoes, corn, cucumbers, zucchini and some beans up.  Something has eaten our peppers but we have 3 extras so we'll hopefully be replacing them soon.

Hope you all have a great week! 

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