Sunday, June 18, 2017

Hart Happenings

Happy Father's Day to all you menfolk!  You are great!  Thanks for being such good examples to my boys of what men should be.  They watch you and talk about you often.

We are full-on in summer mode here.  We have had a lot of company lately which has been fun!  Alex's family came from out of town for a baptism and the whole crew decided to gather.  It doesn't happen very often, but I am grateful that everyone makes an effort to get together when they can.  Family is so important!

After the hordes cleared out we were able to make some more progress on our chicken coop project (done) and our garden beds (almost done).  It will be nice to check those off our list.

Ian and Jack started a summer coding class at the library and are loving it.  Peter and I use that time to go on dates.

I think this will probably be known as the summer of Harry Potter.  Ian started reading the books and then convinced Jack to start listening to the audiobooks so they could play Harry Potter together.  They are now both fully engaged and run around with wands casting spells all day and keeping a watch out for He who must not be named.

I had a really enjoyable time at my book club last night.  We just finished reading Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt, which was amazing!  I read it on a recommendation from my favorite librarian after a conversation we had about James Audubon.  It was sooooo good that I immediately called all my book club ladies and asked if they would read it so I would have someone to talk to about it.  We had a great discussion and all agreed that it was such a well-written book and that we all felt like we were better people after having read it.  It is such a relief to me to find Young Adult fiction these days that is hopeful and inspiring.  I'm glad to look forward to sharing it with my boys in a couple of years.

Hope all is well with you!  We're harvesting radishes, lettuce, and kale from the garden.  Hopefully the peas will come on in the next couple of week!

See you sometime!

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