Sunday, June 11, 2017

Nilsson News

Addy turned ten!  That was definitely the highlight of our week.  She had a friends birthday party where they made fairy gardens, played outside games and had a tea party.  Grandma and Emma came up and rescued the frenzied mother.  Grandma watched Millie and Emma was in charge of the tea party.  She is a culinary artist extraordinaire! You should definitely hire her on for any kind of food presentation you may have.  Totally amazing!  As Addy's gift from us we gave her the supplies to do a bedroom makeover.  Where the time to do that will come from I do not know but we will figure it out.
Yesterday was oh so productive!  Garrett took off the other "wing" of our sunroom and it has made a huge difference in our living room and downstairs.  Let the light shine in!  With that project done we now have the supplies to build our treehouse.  We will be starting on that this week.  All of our seedlings have popped through the ground and all our plants that are under plastic are thriving.  We have had a few days of pretty cold weather and not a one has drooped.  Plastic is magic!
Today I was reminded of how little I know as a parent.  Today Emerson came out of his room wearing shorts and so I tried to explain that it probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to wear to church.  Then, Eliza brought her spaghetti strap dress out and wanted to wear it.  I told her she could wear it with a shirt under it.  She did not like that idea and said that it was just like her swimming suit.  So, how do you explain to a four year that her swimsuit is considered modest and yet her dress is not?  Kids are so intelligent.  Why do we have to lose all our brain cells right before they're born?  Sure doesn't help any!
Anyway, love you all and hope you are enjoying your summer!

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