Sunday, June 18, 2017

Nilsson News

Happy Father's day!  The men in this family are the best of the best!  So glad I know you!  This week proved to be quite productive.  It rained the first couple of days which thrilled Addy because we could start work on her bedroom.  It is very hard for me to want to be indoors when the weather is nice so we always wait for contrary weather.  On Tuesday the kids and I took a quick trip to Hyde Park to visit Becca.  It is much easier to drive 2 1/2 hours rather than 15.  It was a very short visit but fun nonetheless.  I wish we could have seen the Mannings one last time before they moved but we wish them the best.  The moving process is no fun, but once your settled it is pretty enjoyable.

We had leftover paint from the girl's bedroom project so I decided to paint our dark and dreary entryway to make it more light and welcoming.  It looks amazing!  Glad it's done.
Garrett started work on the treehouse yesterday!  We have the platforms up and half of the floor.  I never thought I'd be able to say this in regards to a project, but it is going much faster than we thought and it has cost us nothing!  Gotta love recycled materials!  That is our week.  I would like to get some pictures uploaded but I need to figure that out first.  Have a lovely Sabbath!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the new bedroom, the lighted entry and play in the tree house! I hope your mama goat is thinking about getting her baby here soon...
