Sunday, June 25, 2017

Flake Fun - Finally!

25 June 2017 - We have been such slackers in writing!  Apologies for that.   Things have been really busy and hot here. Which is evident by the sad state of our garden.  We did get out and do some watering and weeding yesterday so it is looking a bit better to start this week off.

I started my new job as finance manager on the 12th and so far it is going well.  The new health director is a dynamite guy who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty (and he has had to quite a few times already).  He has a great vision for where the health department needs to go and it will be an adventure to get there.  The financial affairs seem to be a mess but we are working to improve that and bring things into compliance.   Things for Scott are pretty busy too with the end of the fiscal year coming up. 

Things are progressing on the house.  We have a goal to have it rent-able by July 1st so we buckled down and got the tile down yesterday.  Now we just have to paint, grout, finish hauling away garbage and deep clean.  The smell is almost gone which is really nice.  Hopefully the paint sealer and paint will help with the rest of it. 

We did some branding last week.  Word of advice if any of you decide to become ranchers...don't wait until June to brand your calves.  We were branding some that weighted 250-300 pounds!  That is a lot of calf to wrestle when you are trying to give them shots, ear tag them and brand them! 

I liked Ruth's idea of a big adventure gathering in 2020.  Has anyone had thoughts about what that might be?  We thought a dude ranch experience might be fun...

Emma, you are welcome here any time.  I would suggest you wait a month or so though because it is excruciatingly hot! 

Well, I guess I better go figure out breakfast so we can get ready for church!  Love you all and hope you have a great week!

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