Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hart Happenings

It has been so fun having the Nilssons up here! We went to the museum, the library, had a play date when Grandma came up and Ruth and I got some workout time in, which was fun. Always better to suffer together than separately, I say!

We keep planting seeds with determined optimism that someday soon the nighttime temps will get above freezing! My friend came by on Saturday bringing fresh lettuce and kale from her greenhouse. Delicious! Ruth was chomping at the bit to try her hand at the greenhouse thing!
Ian has been working hard to get ready for his spring concert which is May 4th at 6:30, if anyone is interested in coming to that. 
Our wonderful neighbors of 10+ years are leaving tomorrow morning for a mission. We will miss them!!! I can't imagine better neighbor's and mentors for the young married couple we were when we moved in. They have been wonderful. Our only consolation is that their kids will be living in their house while they are gone. And we love them too!
Hope to see you guys soon!

1 comment:

  1. To Ian: I will be at your concert if Lauren has had her baby. So, if you want to pray that he is born on May 1st, I will get to come... If not, I'll have to watch the video :)I'm sure it will be wonderful!
