Sunday, April 17, 2016

Flake Fun

17 April 2016 - Looks like everyone is staying super busy and productive!  Way to go Nick on the award and good luck on your recital!

This week has been pretty typical.  We went to work for 40 hours and then we both had Friday off!  We spent the day in the Valley (Mesa/Phoenix) and found a backpack for me to take to Peru.  As we were walking out of the hiking store the cashier said, "Have a good time in Peru" and another employee perked up.  "You're going to Peru?  Want to see a Peruvian bug bite?"  (For future reference, if someone says that, don't say yes)  It sounds like he does deep jungle tours and is down in Peru quite a bit.  It was good to chat with him for a while.
After doing some shopping we took Flake family pictures which should turn out really cute as long as the photographer caught us between wind gusts. 
We drove back to Snowflake that night in a snow storm and came home to find the power out in Taylor (but it was on in Snowflake.)

We spent Saturday at the Lovelake rental assessing what needs to be done.  As you can imagine, it will be a bigger project than we anticipated.  We started taking up the floor...I will send pictures soon! 

Last night as I was saying my prayers I felt something fly into my hair.  When I felt to figure out what it was, I was stung by a wasp.  It was excruciatingly painful.  My arm was still a little sore this morning when I woke up.  Scott found the nasty bugger and smashed him with a shoe.

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