Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hart Happenings

Good times at the Hart house the past couple of weeks. A major highlight was Alex and Jack's trip to Salt Lake to see the Jazz take on the Warriors (the favorite team). Have you ever seen Jack look so delighted?

We had to take a friend to Blackfoot for a doctor appointment and while we were there we visited the Potato Museum which was really fun. The boys especially liked the gigantic Pringle chip. 

Of course, Conference was fantastic! We enjoyed a nice, quiet family weekend and topped it off with a book club discussion with Joe and Lori. We are currently reading Are You Ready to Succeed and it has been fun to FaceTime them every other weekend to talk about what we're learning. It's a very interesting book, highly recommended. 
Coming down to Logan for the baby shower was super fun! I felt so fancy having a tea party with sugar cubes and beautiful China, not to mention the best peppermint tea I've ever had! I love Lauren's little house! She and Nick have made it so sweet and homey. They are going to make brilliant parents!
Having Ruth and Garrett here is so fun! We can't seem to get enough of them. The weather has been really funny today. Rain and then gorgeous sunshine then rain the gorgeous warmth and sunshine. Garrett was on the couch looking out our window and giving us a play by play. "Oh, it's raining again, oh, now here's the sun, oh and here comes the rain again". Can't wait to see them more settled and permanent. It is no fun to feel like wanderers in a strange land.....
We have such a great family! Can't wait for the next reason someone comes up with to get together! Speaking of which, we'd love to hear dates for a family gathering. What works for y'all? Jack and Ian are wanting to do a family Pinewood Derby. Thoughts?

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