Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

Many apologies for not posting last week.  Conference was such a treat and I'd love to know everyone's insights and impressions....

What a great week this was with lots of family coming and going!  Ruth's family arrived after conference on Saturday, officially homeless.  Garrett left early Monday morning to go back to work in Idaho and Eliza woke up that morning with a scowl and said, "Where's my dad?"  She is feeling a little displaced, I think - no stuff ("It's all on that big twuck."), no house ("I just want to go home."), no dad.  Poor, sad Eliza!  But we tried to make the best of it!  She was much happier when cousins arrived and the sun came out.  Thanks for coming and entertaining Eliza and the rest of the Nilssons.  It was truly a blessing to have all the cousins here.  I'm especially grateful to Jack for arranging the stick moving contest!  It's very nice to have the sticks out in front, ready to be ground into chips for the yard - even if the adults lost the contest.  I really think I came out the winner!

I thoroughly enjoyed the quick, almost spontaneous, baby shower for Lauren.  Since Ruth was here and Joe's family was coming for eye exams, it seemed logical to see if Harts could rush down and the gals could meet between Lauren's accompanying obligations and Victoria's and Emma's school schedules for a little tea party at Lauren's.  It was absolutely delightful!  Elise and I are going to England so we can figure out the fine details of tea parties (and to get some more of that luscious peppermint tea)!  The only trick now is for Lauren to find a place for the fun things she got for the baby!  One of my favorite things of the day was when Joe thought the outfits Lori purchased for the new baby would be way too big for the itsy, bitsy baby Lauren is going to have!  :)  He obviously hadn't seen her for a while... 

Well, I feel quite pleased with myself.  Dad is still at church meetings, Emma is asleep, and I really wanted to include some photos in my post. So, I got out the camera, figured out how to get the little thingy out and put it in the computer and find the pictures I wanted. I even figured out how to download them here!  I must be very amazing. I even figured out how to make them larger, like the ones Elise sends. Who would have guessed I could do that all by myself?

Emma had a fun time at junior prom last night.  It was nice that her friend Emilee was willing to come do her hair and help her get ready, since Dad and I were trying to squeeze that in between attending two wedding receptions.  She looked lovely, as evidenced below, and had a very fun date.  It's such a blessing to know your children have good friends with high values who take delight in truly good things.  I'll see if Em will send more photos when she gets them from her date.

1 comment:

  1. That was a fun, spontaneous gathering! Always fun to see the cousins play and for the adults to play and visit too! Cheers, Mom for figuring out the picture thing!
