Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hart Hapenings

Such a fun week! We got to hang out with the Nilssons some. Ruth and Garrett took the kids while Alex and I went to celebrate our anniversary, which was really fun! We're looking forward to more of those kinds of swaps in the future!

Ian performed with his choir at a local elementary school. They were great!

We tackled the attic this weekend and got it all cleaned out which is an excellent feeling!

We planted some more seeds in the garden. So far there are sightings of red orach, lettuce, peas, carrots, garlic, leeks, and amaranth (thanks, mom). So exciting to see things coming up!

We had quite the rainstorm last night and this morning. It has left everything so fresh and sweet-smelling. 

Our best neighbors/friends are leaving tomorrow to serve their mission at a church camp in Washington state. We are going to miss them terribly. 

Other than all that, life is about the same here. Just another week in paradise!

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