Monday, April 11, 2016

P. S. from Hyde Park

I forgot that I was going to put some ideas up for consideration concerning the family gathering.  Emma will be riding on the Hyde Park City float in a variety of parades this summer, as you all know, so we'll have to work around the parade schedule (which actually starts in May!).  She also has youth conference, girl's camp and marching band... July is a very crazy month for babies being due for me.... Then we are headed to Alaska in August for 2 weeks... Jenn and Scott are gone for two weeks to Peru in May/June...
I don't know what everyone else's schedule is, so here's our input:

Our best options for the Gathering are the end of June, like the 24th to the 30th (we could have a birthday party for Joy and Jake...) OR
how about Labor Day weekend, since it may be a 3 day weekend for most everyone already?....

I like the Pinewood Derby idea - do we get the real kits or just make our own?

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