Sunday, April 24, 2016

Flake Fun

24 April 2016 - I spent this entire week in Dallas, TX at a preparedness conference.  It was an interesting experience to say the least and I am very glad to be home.

Because of the trip, there isn't much to report for this week.  Our plants seem to be doing well and we hope to get them planted outside in the next couple of weeks.  We discovered a new tool that makes life so much easier; quick release hose connect!  For anyone that has used an air hose, it is the same idea.  You attach one piece to your faucet and the other to your hose.  Then you just have to push and it connects!  When you want to take it off, you just pull up on the plastic ring and out it pops!  Highly recommended if you are constantly taking the hose off to prevent freezing or something like that! 

We found renters for our Sunset house.  They are hoping to move in this coming weekend.  We haven't done anything else on the Lovelake house but hope to get back there soon.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!  Happy birthday to Emma!  Good luck on the recital to Nick.  Good luck to all who are taking finals and the like! 

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