Monday, April 18, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

Well, Dad is happy to have his Stake Conference over so he will have less pressure. I'm glad to have the stake conference over so that Dad can get to bed earlier and find the 5+ pounds he lost worrying about the conference! It was a great experience all in all.  Elder Wilson was delightful and gave some wonderful messages at all the meetings. Dad spoke very well and the YSA members were all inspired and uplifted. The Stake Presidency was re-organized since Dad's counselor, Brother McKenna is leaving for New York City in a couple of weeks. Brother Evans is now the first counselor and the Cache County district judge, Brother Willmore, is now the second counselor.

Since last posting, I've attended one birth, traveled to Idaho to take some important items to the Nilssons, gone on a date with Dad to Ogden where we had dinner and saw a documentary about birth (it was done by medical professionals who birth out of the hospital), and attended stake conferences - Hyde Park and YSA. It was a nice week, even though I didn't get any yard work or housework done. Lauren's baby is the next one due in the valley. It's fun to now get to turn all my attention to her. She doesn't say much, but has been miserable for a while. Something has completely taken over her body! She's quite a trooper and keeps pressing forward. I guess there's not much else she can do. We're getting very excited for this baby Manning to make his appearance!

We have new bees that have been in the garage since Saturday morning that we hope to put in their permanent home this afternoon. Dad was just too busy to do it on the weekend. We have been spraying them with sugar water several times a day to keep them happy until they can get settled in their new place. Hey! Maybe that would help the Nilssons! I can make some sugar water for you, Ruth, and you can spray your children with it whenever they are feeling a little agitated about not being in their own home... It couldn't hurt! :)

Emma attended a Lauren retreat at Bear Lake where she enjoyed workshops that were designed to help the girls prepare for life away from home, whether they are heading to college or on a mission. Emma chuckled when they had a cooking workshop about preparing healthy food for yourself, then they had the girls make pudding and pour it into store-bought graham cracker crusts to make cream pies! She learned some self-defense, too, so don't come up behind her to surprise her or you might be the one to get a surprise! I am posting some more photos of prom, but can't figure out how to move the pictures from Dad's part of this computer to mine, so I'll send those from his account in a moment.

Thomas called the other day to see if I'd open the garage so he could drive in. I did, and out jumped Big Blue! He couldn't change at his apartment because no one is supposed to see him in his suit and he couldn't go to the locker room at USU because there was a class going on there. It was fun to see him since it is a rare occurrence. He and Victoria are very busy, so we're always glad when we get a glimpse of them. They still look happy!

One thought from Stake Conference: "I had a question. I asked. God answered. That settled it." I hope we're all feeling "settled" in the gospel! Grounded, rooted, settled, that's what it's going to take to see us through.

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