Sunday, April 10, 2016

Flake Fun

10 April 2016 - It is a rainy day in Snowflake.  It has bee sprinkling off and on all weekend which is a blessing.  We don't have much to report.  We planted some potatoes in the garden yesterday which was fun. Hopefully we'll get a good crop this year.  We also did a walk through for our Lovelake rental.  Now that TJ and Kim have moved into their new home, the real work can begin! 

Today in primary I asked the kids if they had watched general conference and they were pretty excited to say yes.  Noah, a little sunbeam informed me that he had watched a movie.  When I asked if he had watched General Conference his face scrunched up in thought.  "No, I don't have that movie."  Classic!   Then an adorable little girl got up and gave the opening prayer.  She finished by pausing and saying, "The end!"  Have to love primary!

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