Sunday, January 3, 2016

Flake Fun

3 Jan 2016 - Happy new year to all of you!  We enjoyed a quiet new year's eve with Randy & Dona and Uncle Gaylan & Aunt Donna.  
Scott got a phone call from Cousin TJ (young men's president) on Wednesday asking if there was any way that we could help with a combined young men/young women's hike on Friday.  We were able to rearrange our plans and we told him that we would be there.   So we left at 6:00AM on Friday morning and headed to Gilbert with 13 youth, 4 male leaders and me.  We hiked the Flat Iron.  No, let me re-phrase that, we climbed the Flat Iron.  See the mountain peak? The one in the background, that you can barely see?  Yeah, that is Flat Iron.  It is a 3 mile hike each way.  The last mile climbs 2,000 feet. 

This is the group we went with.  I was very impressed with our young men.  There is a very small deacon (you can barely see his head at the back of the group on the right).  Hiking is not his thing but he goes to participate with his quorum.   He is really scrawny and was having a really hard time once the rocks started getting large.  The young men rallied around him, lifted him (literally) over the hard parts and constantly encouraged him.  Not once did I hear complaining about why it was taking so long or why they had to wait for him.  After rest breaks they would cheer him on as the "line leader".  It was amazing to see.
And now we can barely walk.  I joked with some of the young women that this hike fulfilled the fitness resolution for the whole year! 

Here is the renovated tiller!  Our garden is prepped and ready for planting in a few months. 


  1. What a great way to start the new year! How inspiring! Makes me want to do the Wellsvilles :) Yeah, right!

  2. I'm so impressed you got that tiller working! Makes me excited for the spring. We will have to have a good chunk of warm weather this spring though to penetrate the permafrost and 5 feet of snow!
