Sunday, December 27, 2015

Flake Fun

27 Dec 2015 - This week has been very different from the norm.  First off I stayed home sick for 2 days and could have stayed home another day or two but decided there were things that had to be done before Christmas so I went in on Wednesday.  Thursday and Friday were holidays for both of us which was really nice.  We are so productive when we aren't at work!  We got the garden tilled, 4 compost piles built, did a manure run, did the annual butchering, went to the neighborhood Christmas dinner and party and got the house cleaned up. 

Christmas was a lot of fun.  We did stockings by ourselves in the morning and had a Face Time visit with the Harts.  Then we went over to Randy & Dona's for breakfast and more presents.  We were definitely spoiled and had lots of fun.  Baby Katelyn (9 months) was more interested in the ribbons and paper than in opening her presents but I'm sure that she will be more into it next year. 

The day after Christmas we drove down to Mesa for the Bailey family Christmas party.  It was fun to see aunts, uncles and cousins. 

We got a smidgen of snow both on Christmas day and the day after but nothing stuck.  It has been quite cold though and we are glad that we have our wood burning stove and lots of firewood. 

I was thinking the other day about New Year's Resolutions and such and I recalled something that I had seen a few months ago.  It might be fun for those of you who are wanting to beef up your savings accounts.  It is called the 52 week challenge (for those of you who like challenges!).  The basic idea is to save in "doable" amounts so each week you only save that weeks amount.  For example:

Week 1 = $52
Week 2 = $51
Week 3 = $50
Week 50 = $3
Week 51 = $2
Week 52 = $1

The reason you do it "backward" is so that the smallest amounts are right around the holidays!  Just a fun idea for anyone who wants to look into it! 

Life in Snowflake is great.  Hope that you are all in a similar situation.


  1. Fun idea, Jenn. Looks like you'd be able to save $1300 or so in a year. Thanks for always encouraging simple, useful things. I hope we make it down there sometime this year! And I hope you're feeling better :)

  2. Brilliant idea Jenn! And so doable!
