Sunday, January 10, 2016

Flake Fun

10 Jan 2016 - This weekend was fun and started off with waking up to several inches of snow on Friday morning.  It snowed off and on for the rest of the day.  Of course, it is all melted now but it was fun while it lasted!  Because of the snow, we decided to go snowboarding on Saturday.  There were a ton of people but the slopes weren't too crowded which was nice.  Scott is pretty good and I am not!  But he is patient with me and we worked out a pretty good routine.  Of course, we are both sore today after using muscles that haven't been used for a while.

On Friday we decided to make stir fry for dinner and I had hankering for egg rolls.  Don't they look yummy?

The problem was that the grocery store was out of egg rolls wraps, so we got won ton wraps!  The result?  Bite sized egg rolls!

They were really yummy though!
I think that is about it for our week.  Life continues on here in Snowflake.  We are anxiously awaiting news of the Nilsson's possible move.  Hope all of you are doing well.  Can't wait to see you next month!  

1 comment:

  1. The egg rolls look yummy! Gives me a good idea for my menus for the coming week or two - Thanks!
